Bouquet Wholesale


The Bouquet light is a collection of twenty diverse floral and bucolic elements that can be arranged in any desired composition just as one would when making a bouquet of flowers. Create wonderful and unique lights and rearrange your Bouquet for different events and occasions. Select from a luxurious palette of vines, leaves, flowers and stems made of a high tech material to light your environment, to adorn your curtains, to create a divider or just to decorate your table.


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Additional Information:

  • Pendant Lamp or decorative kit for dividers,drapes or tabletops.
  • Lighting cord not included and sold separately below.
  • All cords are 15 Feet long (4.5 meters) provided with a plug and switch.
  • Alternatively all cords can be spliced and hard wired into a ceiling outlet.
Round Cord Kit
from $21.50
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